We detail how we address or incorporated specific comments from each of the 32 inspirations amendments below:
#85 – We include religions, wisdom traditions, science, other secular sources of truth and meaning, and direct experience of transcending wonder and mystery.
#485 – We include other forms of wonder we find in life and not just transcending mystery. We also adding “listening deeply” under the mindfulness practices.
#447 – We add the creative arts. We retain the essence of our old sources and do include specific references to our UU history and current practices. We add the “including, but not limited to” verbiage.
#460 – We add a specific source of “discernment”. We add the creative arts, science, and mathematics. We consolidate several of the previous sources as done here.
#14 – We center transcending mystery and wonder and take direct quotes from this amendment in our first paragraph.
#324, #28 – We have changed the wording so this amendment to grammar is not specifically relevant, but we welcome a grammar review for our current version.
#66 – We do not list specific religious traditions as done here but try to make our ancestral religious history clear without promoting one tradition over another. We retain the essence of our current threads of inspiration. We add science as a path and retain reference to reason. We adding listening to each other as a path and also acknowledge personal joy and pain.
#370- We do not go into our specific history in this detail as that is likely beyond the scope of this document and as written in this amendment is not expansive enough for future growth. However, we do specifically reference Unitarian Universalist and Transcendental heritages in our artwork.
#229- We tie this section explicitly back to the values and covenant in our artwork. We highlight our “living tradition”. We honor direct experience and individuals through prophetic people and friendship. We remove the “grateful” language and balance religious references with secular.
#147 – We add the arts as a specific source. We consolidate the previous sources using some of the direct verbiage in this amendment. We incorporate science as a path and keep references to reason. We do not prioritize certain forms of knowledge over one another though and instead stress discernment.
#426 – We add specific references to our Unitarian and Universalist heritage without promoting one tradition over another. We add science as an inspiration and retain the essence of the other old sources.
#319, #470, #410, #403, #277, #364, #71– We keep the essence of the old sources while adding breadth and depth and included the arts and science as a source
#384- We add “experiencing beauty of the natural world” and emphasize wisdom and mystery. Additionally, our artwork was very much inspired by the wisdom of the natural world.
#380- We add specific references to our Unitarian and Universalist heritage without promoting one tradition over another. We add “philosophies” and list some specific insights that may be attributed to mysticism, theism, skepticism, and feminist and liberation theologies. We add in concepts of resiliency and restoration.
#330- We add specificity to the sources without promoting one tradition over the other.
#81- We specifically add statements about learning from our history. Additionally we specify specific aspects of our historical traditions that we find inspirational.
#328- We keep the essence of the old sources but did remove specific references to Christianity as suggested. Additionally, we have removed references to evil
#313- We have attempted to define inspirations more explicitly by articulating categories of inspirations and what they do.
#106- We add science as a source.
#206- We have blended the essence of the old sources with the new proposed text and additionally added novel elements.
#188- We included history and myths as sources. We admire the simplicity and depth of this amendment. Our amendment is far more-wordy than this one but we welcome suggestions on how to retain the specificity, novel components we have added, while being as concise as possible.
#336- We disagree and think the inspirations logically flow from the values.
#72- We have centered transcending wonder and mystery.
#61- We keep the essence of the old sources while adding breadth and depth. We specify that we learn from our history and list specific components from our histories that we find inspiring. We centered direct experience.