Submission 14
Matthew Johnson
The Unitarian Universalist Church (Rockford, IL) 3414
What is your suggestion or idea?
As Unitarian Universalists, we proclaim that direct experiences of transcending mystery and wonder are a primary source of inspiration. These experiences open our hearts, renew our spirits, and transform our lives. We use, and are inspired by, sacred and secular understandings that help us to make meaning of these experiences and to live into our values. We respect the histories, contexts, and cultures in which they these understandings were created and are currently practiced. These sources ground us and sustain us in ordinary, difficult, and joyous times. Grateful for the experiences that move us, the religious ancestries we inherit, and the diversity which enriches our faith, we are called to ever deepen and expand our wisdom.
What is the reason for your amendment idea?
This amendment puts direct experience of mystery and wonder where it belongs: as a core inspiration in our liberal faith. This is the distinguishing characteristic of our tradition and its inclusion is essential. These direct experiences have their own power, and are testified to by the “sacred and secular” understandings. We have woven the importance of direct experiences throughout this paragraph.
Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?
This language is the collaborative work of a group of Unitarian Universalist ministers, including myself, and the Revs. Sara Smalley, Sadie Lansdale, Cynthia Landrum, Heather Petit, AJ van Tine, Nancy Palmer Jones, David Schwartz, Ariel Aaronson-Eves, Omega Burckhardt, Sara LaWall, and Sarah Stewart. We spent time discussing, editing, shaping language, and were, frankly, inspired by the conversion together. I shared this draft to the UUMA Colleagues Facebook group where the new parts of this language were met with strong support and enthusiasm. UU Christians, Pagans, Religious Naturalists, and others offered their particular support for the language as important to their faith.
I also preached about this language to my congregation, who strongly supported its (re)inclusion.