General Session Recordings

I have a delegate who will be late to a general session. Will the recording be immediately available for them to watch? Also, please provide a link to where the recordings will be posted. Thanks.

Recordings will be immediately available: General Assembly 2024 Public Video.

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Our music minister, Anna Hamilton, was honored today in the Introduction to Music Professionals and named as the only credentialed music minister being named today. I would love to share the clips from this service that honor and name her with our Congregation- we are so proud of her and so grateful to have her. Is there any way I can get a clip from the recording and get permission to share it - hopefully at an upcoming service? I am the Past President of our congregation, and I am also a delegate, and co-chair of our Denominational Connections committee. If you can direct me to who I should contact about this I’ll be most appreciative.
My email is Thank you.

Honored in the Service of the Living Tradition, to clarify.
