#75 | Margie Storch | Spiritual Growth instead of Faith Formation

Submission 75
Margie Storch
Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte (Charlotte, NC) 6625

What is your suggestion or idea?

Current: Section C-2.1. Purposes.

The Unitarian Universalist Association will devote its resources to and use its organizational powers for religious, educational, and humanitarian purposes. Its primary purposes are to assist congregations in their vital ministries, support and train leaders both lay and professional, to foster lifelong faith formation, to heal historic injustices, and to advance our Unitarian Universalist values in the world.

The purpose of the Unitarian Universalist Association is to actively engage its members in the transformation of the world through liberating Love.

Suggestion: Section C-2.1. Purposes.

The Unitarian Universalist Association will devote its resources to and use its organizational powers for religious, educational, and humanitarian purposes. Its primary purposes are to assist congregations in their vital ministries, organize new congregations, support and train leaders both lay and professional, to foster lifelong spiritual growth, to heal historic injustices, and to advance our Unitarian Universalist values in the world.

The purpose of the Unitarian Universalist Association is to actively engage its members in the transformation of the world through liberating Love.

What is the reason for your amendment idea?

I propose adding “help organize new congregations” as a primary purpose of the UUA. I also suggest replacing “faith formation” (sounds limiting or contained) with “spiritual growth” (sounds more open and expansive). Many atheists and agnostics are not happy using the word “faith”. Also, if “Love” is capitalized, it should be consistent through out Article 2.

Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?

Yes, the Religious Humanists affinity group of UUCC discussed the Article 2 proposals in 2 meetings (March & April 2023). Responses were supportive of the suggestion (atheists felt strongly negative about use of “faith”) – a few suggested “ethical growth” or “philosophical growth”.


keep faith formation, but add spiritual development. I think both are necessary and should be included in the purposes of the UUA.


I agree with this; the phrase “faith formation” comes out of the Roman Catholic tradition, and while it may be comfortable for some, it is not for me and for many other atheists.

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“Faith formation” is a phrase that carries particular significance to the mainline church world. It would be good for the UUA to speak that language in order for us to be conversant with the others. However, we also need to be mindful of our members and associates who have experienced religious trauma or who are of a reason-based mindset. Therefore, I agree to adding “and spiritual development” after “faith formation.”

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That makes sense; we are a diverse bunch, after all!