Submission 66
Dick Burkhart
Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church (Des Moines, WA) 8135
What is your suggestion or idea?
The wisdom of the
world’s major historical religions, especially the Abrahamic faiths
(Christianity, Judaism, and Islam), but also eastern religions such as
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism.
The many prophetic
words and deeds, both religious and humanistic, calling for harmony and
justice, drawing from diverse historical, pagan, and indigenous cultures
Modern voices of
reason and science that warn us against the “idolatries of mind and spirit”,
voices grounded in both the natural and social sciences, skeptical of ideology
or dogma.
The voices of each
other, both in joy and pain, as we strive to craft a faith rooted in deep
ethics that inspires profound commitment.
What is the reason for your amendment idea?
Most people I’ve talked to find that the
current wording is too general, disorganized, and uninspiring. It says nothing
about our central ancestral religions, let alone the second tier world religions
which have long influenced us. Thus my first sentence focuses on ancient wisdom.
My second sentence proceeds logically to current
threads of inspiration, humanistic as well as religious sources, also pagan and
indigenous. The wording also suggests our current call to justice by prophetic
voices - a key source of inspiration today.
My third sentence digs deeper into the liberal
values that distinguish us from most other religions, values which draw their
inspiration from science, reason, and skepticism.
My last sentence gets down to the personal
level – how we inspire each other to develop ethical communities that support
our spirituality, social engagement, and citizenship.
Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?
The need to improve this wording has been discussed with some in my congregation,who agree. Other UU groups I’ve contacted are likewies not inspired by the A2SC wording.