#466 | Gary Joaquin | Include Principles and Sources after Values

Submission 466
Gary Joaquin
West Hills

What is your suggestion or idea?

Include our original principles and sources immediately
following the new values being proposed.

Revise Section C-2.2 Values and Covenant, paragraph 1, line
2 to read:

We draw from our heritages of principles, sources, freedom,
reason, hope, and courage, building on the foundation of love.

Immediately following Section C-2.2 Values and
Covenant, insert Section C-2.3 Principles and Sources.

What is the reason for your amendment idea?

Preserving our principles and sources shows respect for our shared history and will help maintain unity in our denomination, preventing UUs from resigning because the principles and sources with which they so strongly identify are being abolished.

Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?

Yes, in a small focus group of members. We unanimously agreed that this would be a constructive recommendation.