AIW voting process

I believe the UUA Board has incorporated into the Rules of Procedure the amendment concerning the Actions of Immediate Witness? Is that correct? If so, what is the process going forward? When will the delegates vote on the three AIWs to be added to the Final Agenda? Will there be an opportunity to discuss them sometime prior to the voting window?

Yes, the board has incorporated into the rules of procedure the proposed amendment concerning the AIW process. In addition The Commission on Social Witness found that four proposed AIWs meet the AIW criteria and they will be conducting a poll starting on Friday June 17 and ending Sunday evening June 19. Full details will be set out on Friday.

During General Assembly on Thursday or Friday there will be a ballot question to admit the AIWs to the agenda. Assuming that passes, the 3 selected AIWs from the poll will be discussed and voted on during the Saturday General Session.

Larry, thanks for the quick reply!

As we all know, Larry is great! Thanks, David, for following up on this question.

Can someone tell me when the current Rules and Procedures under which we are now operating were adopted? They seem to be different from the ones that we operated under in the past.

The Rules of Procedure are voted on by the delegates on the first night of General Assembly. So there will be a ballot available tomorrow night. The Delegate Platform has this schedule for the votes this week.

Upcoming Events & Deadlines- Wed, June 22: General Session I: Vote to adopt the Rules of Procedure

  • Thur, June 23: General Session II: Discuss and Vote on Amendment to Business Resolution 2: GAPC
  • Fri, June 24: General Session III: Discuss and Vote on Business Resolutions & Bylaw G-9.13.10
  • Sat, June 25: General Session IV: Discuss and Vote on AIWs and Responsive & Budget Resolutions

David Jackoway

Yes, they are new. We vote on Rules of Procedure every GA as the first item.

I am not sure how they can be amended, or what happens if the delegates do not vote to approve them. I think I read that they had to be voted on before they could be debated, which made no sense, so I must have read something wrong.