Submission 424
David Culp
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, Virginia
What is your suggestion or idea?
I suggest that Section C-2.2., Values and Covenant, of the Article II Proposal be jettisoned, and replaced with the existing 7 Principles.
What is the reason for your amendment idea?
I make my suggestion because the Proposal is a mishmash of words and vague statements, often with dubious predictions of what will happen if everybody conforms, and fuzzy statements about how ““we”” should behave to achieve them. Each ““shared value”” is given a name and a color. That is silly; why give something a name when the important thing is the belief itself. The more words that are used, the more limited is what is described. These names invite disagreements whether they are adequately accurate to denote the ““value.”” Many would say they are just buzz words and don’t have much to do with
the text.
I suggest that the existing 7 Principles be restored because they succinctly state some descriptions of basic actions and beliefs that each of us can attempt to implement as we understand them, and they are self-fulfilling. We are obligated to promote these principles, not just ““believe them””; if we promote them we are complying regardless of whether some overriding goal is achieved or the latent motives in the Proposal are complied with. And experience has proven that the battle to make the world comport with any UU vision of how things ought to be (as the Proposal seems to do) will never be over. But we can be ceaseless in our efforts to promote the Principles. I would rather work in a framework of beliefs and actions that I can apply in my daily life, than be expected to hold a ““value”” that I might have no way of implementing in my daily life.
And, if someone thinks that all ““love”” is is these six ““values””, they are mistaken.
There are too many words in the Proposal, and it is too complicated. The 7 Principles are simple and efficient.
Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?
My Covenant group has had good discussions about the Proposal. Generally, we all prefer the 7 Principles.