Submission 333
Peter (Pete) Fontneau
Accotink Unitarian Universalist Church (Burke, VA) 8115
What is your suggestion or idea?
C-2.2. Pluralism.
Revise the first sentence of the covenant statement as follows: We covenant to learn from one another in our free and responsible search for truth and meaning by openly exploring the depth and breadth of our many wisdoms…”
What is the reason for your amendment idea?
This restatement includes both the fall draft ideas about the exploration of many wisdoms and the reiteration of the fourth principle to be more inclusive and not excessively wordy.
Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?
Yes. After a Wonder Box Time for All Ages and a sermon on proposed changes to Article II, the congregation held two town halls (in person and online) for Article II change discussions. Suggestions were then referred to a working group which included all likely GA delegates. The working group refined the suggested wording.