Submission 299
Cheryll Paull
First Universalist Church of Denver (Denver, CO) 2623
What is your suggestion or idea?
Do NOT Make Any Changes At This Time – Give it More Time to Simmer and Ponder
For whatever reason, and despite the Commission’s diligent work and engagement on Article II, many people did not really become aware of the seriousness (completely revising/changing/re-wording/eliminating) some or all of the Principlas and Sources that they have come to love and live by. Part of the reason could be that many may not have really known or understood that the Principles and Sources are housed in “Article II” – and therefore, when they heard mention of Article II, they tuned it out because it supposedly didn’t pertain to them. I mean, really, who pays attention to Articles and Bylaws, etc. (I say this as one who DOES pay attention to things like that).
What is the reason for your amendment idea?
Since the Study Commision now has the full attention of all member congregations and all seem to be actively discussing the changes and voicing how this is affecting them personally, I think it would be wise and extremely beneficial to not rush this to a vote at the 2023 GA. With something that is so far-reaching and at the very core and foundation of so many UUs, this is a BIG, BIG change.
Let’s take a step back and really wordsmith this and take whatever extra time is needed to get this right. After attending several listening sessions at my church and hearing the pain and anguish many are experiencing at the thought of losing their Principles, right now it’s causing much more divisiveness than it is bringing people together; and I know that’s the last thing the Commission or the UUA Board want to do.
One of our beloved congregants, a gentleman who has attended our local church for 63 years, is very distressed at the thought of losing the Principles and Sources as they are currently written – the very things that brought him to a UU church and that have kept him engaged for so many years. I see this in other congregants as well.
My suggestion is not a plea for or against the proposed changes to Article II. I can see both sides of the equation. My hope is that the Commission will take note that though much work has been done, all of their dedication and work will not be lost if things are allowed to slow down a bit and more time is given to soften the edges and really finetune the language in the hope of allowing more people to see the value of change and growth.
Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?
Yes, I have discussed this with others in my congregation. As mentioned earlier, I have attended several listening sessions conducted on the proposed changes to Article II, and it’s abundantly clear that this caught most, if not all, of our congregation completely off guard. Now that they are fully aware of what is going on, this all feels incredibly rushed for such a momumental change as this. It’s true, as UUs we do not have a creed per se. But we do have our Principles and Sources which give us something to covenant with and which so many rely on for guideance in their every day lives.