I am 30 years old, and I was raised in a UU church by my fairly Humanist parents from the age of five. I’ve been a member of UU congregations in Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, Nebraska, and now I serve on the worship committee at the UU Church of Riverside, California.
I am a musician and music organizer for my church, but during the day, I work on completing my Ph.D. in particle physics. I draw many of my beliefs from Taoism, earth-centered Celtic and indigenous traditions, and even some traditional Universalist ideas.
I think that the uniting belief among UUs is that the principles describe what it means to be a good person. It’s an agreement to pursue the sources, because no document we can write can alone justify our beliefs. To that end, I think Article II is a covenant to how we believe we ought to behave as persons and people.