#201 | Peter T. Richardson | Clean up Meanings Grammatially

Submission 201
Peter T. Richardson
First Universalist Church, Rockland, ME

What is your suggestion or idea?

Rewrite of C-2.1
The Unitarian Universalist Association will devote its resources and powers for religious, educational, and humanitarian purposes.Its primary purpose is to assist congregations in their vital ministries: supporting and training leaders both lay and professional, fostering lifelong faith formation, healing historic injustices, advancing Unitarian Universalist values in the world.
The purpose of the Unitarian Universalist Association is to engage its members in the transformation of the world through liberating love.

What is the reason for your amendment idea?

Text was too wordy. Second sentence is focused upon serving congregations and needs to be explicit for this.
Second sentence puts a small l on ““Love.”” Removes ““actively”” as, if one is engaged they are active enough!!
You might consider removing second sentence completely as it only repeats things before it and after it in Section C-2.2. ““Transformation”” comes later as one of the values and it only weakens its effect to put it here too.

Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?

No. It cleans up meanings grammatically. There is lots of frustration in both congregations I attend over wordiness and awkward grammar.