Amendment to the Title of the Business Resolution - submitted by Arika Lycan

6/7/2024 Update: This Amendment did receive enough support during the Mini-Assembly to be considered during General Assembly.

In Favor of Amendment: 464 (92.8%)
Against Amendment: 36 (7.2%)

Detailed results can be viewed on:

Bold underlining indicate insertion ; [brackets indicate deletion.]

Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex People [as] is a Fundamental Expression[s] of UU Religious Values


What is the rationale for this change? I am neither in favor nor opposed, just curious.

@Sally , see the thread in discuss on the Business Resolution itself, starting here: UUA Business Resolution: Embracing Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex People as Fundamental Expressions of UU Religious Values - #5 by bethogilvie

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Found it; thanks! It does make sense.

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6/7/2024 Update: This Amendment did receive enough support during the Mini-Assembly to be considered during General Assembly.

In Favor of Amendment: 464 (92.8%)
Against Amendment: 36 (7.2%)

Detailed results can be viewed on:

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6/12/2024 Update: This Amendment was incorporated by the Board of Trustees. The Business Resolution has been updated to reflect this.

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