57 Section C-2.5 Freedom of belief
58 Congregational freedom and the individual’s right of conscience are [central to] essential to and inseparable from our Unitarian
59 Universalist heritage and practice.
Anyone who wishes to use the Blue Boat Passengers group for finding each other and coordinating to do the 15-congregation amendment process may do so while the group remains open (must follow group rules, and see pinned post).
Here are some comments about the 15-congregation amendment process, from Donald Wilson, who used to be on the GA Planning Committee:
"“Unlike how the amendment process was run for this GA (ie at the discretion of the moderators and board), the process you’ve mentioned is bylaw and subject to little to no interpretation. I wouldn’t wait however. You need to get the petition from the UUA Board Secretary in the next couple weeks, and you have to have it turned Into the Board before February 1st.”
“You don’t even have to have a congregational vote. You just have to get their board to sign off.”