Submission 414
Annette Skellenger
Granite Peak UU Congregation (Prescott, AZ) 2026
What is your suggestion or idea?
Section C-2.4 – remove ““who share our values””
What is the reason for your amendment idea?
It is impossible to have agreement on our individual values. Allowing a virtually endless set of positive values is a cornerstone of UU philosophy. This statement then has no meaning; no way to define, measure, or enforce this phrase. In addition, it is exclusionary, and the UU philosophies I wish to support are inclusionary. I would rather be inclusionary and have to deal with occasional situations of ““unacceptable”” beliefs or behavior than have an over-riding concept of exclusion. Further, this is a phrase that is often associated with organized religion. I believe it is the cause of much posturing and debate in and between religions, which necessitates many outcomes of organized religion that I have avoided for 60+ years.
Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?
I have talked informally with approximately 10 congregants who agree with this recommendation. No time has been scheduled for the congregation as a whole to discuss the proposal.