Submission 375
Barry Mahoney
First Universalist Church of Denver
What is your suggestion or idea?
Amend the second sentence of the Study Commission’s proposed new Section 2.1 to include adding new congregations, advancing UU principles, and actively engaging its members in the transformation of the world to the purposes listed in the second sentence. Add a third sentence providing that one of the purposes of the Association is to work with its members toward building diverse multicultural communities through actions that seek to dismantle racism and other oppressions. The amended text would read as follows (suggested new language shown in bold italics): Section C-2.1. Purposes.The Unitarian Universalist Association will devote its resources to and use its organizational purposes for religious, educational, and humanitarian purposes. Its primary purposes are to assist congregations in their vital ministries, organize new congregations, support and train leaders both lay and professional, foster lifelong faith formation, heal historic injustices, advance our UU principles and values in the world, and actively engage its members in the transformation of the world through liberating Love. The Association will work with its members and others in seeking to build diverse multicultural communities through actions that seek to dismantle racism and other oppressions.
What is the reason for your amendment idea?
Three main reasons for this suggested amendment: (1) It is highly desirable to retain the seven principles that are in the current Article II. They have been a bedrock of Unitarian Universalism for nearly four decades and are cherished by many UUs. It would be a mistake to abandon them. Rather, it should be clear that one of the purposes of the UUA is to advance these principles, as well as UU values, in the world. (2) Organizing new UU congregations has long been one of the purposes of the UUA and the Association should not abandon these efforts at a time when there is likely to be strong need for new congregations in underserved areas. (3) By including the proposed new third sentence of the Purposes section, the basic ideas in the previously proposed Eighth Principle are elevated to being among the purposes of the Association and its member congregations.
Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?
The idea has been discussed in two small group meetings of members of our church and has been included in a written draft of suggested amendments that a colleague and I have made available to participants in four listening sessions that our church has held on the Commission’s proposed revision of Article II. Comments focused mainly on retaining the current seven principles, plus some suggestions for melding parts of the Commission’s proposal with the current version of Article II. A few people favored the Commission’s entire proposal.