#132 | diane conrad | Keep the 7 Principles without Change

Submission 132
diane conrad
UU Fellowship Corvallis

What is your suggestion or idea?

Section C-2.1. Principles To be the 7 Principles without change.

What is the reason for your amendment idea?

The 7 Principles are important, comprehensive, and reflect clearly without change, the moral bedrock of UU.

Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?


Maybe the UUA will let delegates vote on Article II section by section, in case we want to accept changes to some sections but not to others.


I’m @eburch (Eric Burch) and the author of submission #29. Charles DuMond recommended we consolidate our similar ideas to one thread. During the May 18th Zoom call, the breakout room I was in discussed my idea for adding the current seven Principles verbatim as Section C-2.1-and-a-half (then renumbering the sections). I will propose that as an amendment. There was discussion about adding an 8th Principle or reworking the current principles but that will not be the scope of my amendment. My amendment can serve as a base for additional changes; we can do this a step at a time until we get through the pre-GA discussion, mini-assemblies, then final plenary vote. If we want to collect some of the other discussions into the submission #29 thread that is OK, just keep in mind my submission is a simple first step.

Eric Burch: I too want to insert the 7 Principles into the Revised text ( # 30). Question: How do we combine all of the proposals to do the same thing into 1 effort with strong backing? My email is kennethbutton@aol.com. What is yours? There are some people who support my proposal which is very straight forward in inserting the 7 principles (without the “sources”) after the “values” section. It is as follows: "I move the approval of an amendment to the Proposed Revision of Article II to insert after line 43 the text of the current 7 Principles of the existing “Section C-2.1 Principles, " excluding the “sources” test. The text of the insertion is as follows: “Section C-2.3. Principles” We, …” (list of the 7 principles. Please let me know how we can cooperate. Thank you.