Business Resolution: General Assembly Planning Committee

Your understanding is incorrect, Sally. Read the timeline I linked to – it answers that. He asked to bring a Good Officer, he was told that was fine and appropriate. He wanted one specific GO, who was apparently not available, and he refused to meet (lots of other Good Officers were available at GA).

Correct. It is untrue of the GA, UUA/MFC, or UUMA process that he was refused a Good Officer. All of them allow for that. As a former Good Officer, I’ve been involved in MFC processes, and they definitely allow a GO. The UUA also said it was fine to bring a GO. And the UUMA processes also allow for a GO.

Hard to imagine that some schedule could not be set up. IDK, not really involved, but it seems to me that nobody was perfect, and that this was allowed to blow up into much more than it should have been. It is frustrating to me that there seem to be more attempts at demonization on both sides than any sort of restorative process, or even just letting it fade away.

Well that is the thing. You can’t have a restorative process if one of the parties refuses to show up. We are a covenantal faith and part of the requires staying at the table when things get uncomfortable. We won’t get to know what would have happened if Rev. Ekloff had come to the table which he had at least a year to do. As for letting it fade away, I only see one side constantly bringing it up and using it to stymy change. I personally don’t think that letting the one side control the narrative of what happened is the way to go so I will continue to respond as I feel called.

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Dennis’ view is entirely one sided. Have you read my book on this? Maybe you should look at the other side. I was there. I had a coffee scheduled with rev . Eklof in Saturday mirning the day he was banned. It was about his book. We know that was why they wanted a second meeting. He met with them Friday night- the right relations team. The insistence on these meetings were A violation of free speech and press. A complaint surely cannot be filed in violation of free speech and press!! . I had never met him but was put in touch by our minister Andy Burnette. My book is “ a self confessed white supremacy culture: emergence of an illiberal left in Unitarian Universalism. “. Would love to meet you and talk this through but I’m leaving Portland tomortow. I’ve read Dennis account. Maybe you’d read my book . it is available from Amazon and if I were here tomortow. I’d just give you a copy. Really. Read my book. I was very close to these events in2017 since Andy was our minister and agsin in 2019 at ga. Thx for the conversation. Anne. My book is easy to get and inexpensive.

Anne Schneider, Phd. Retired political science professor and Dean, College of Public Programs

Arizona State University.

Never do something routine if you can do something truly special.

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This Business Resolution as amended received significant support and was adopted by the General Assembly. Discussion is now closed.