Amendment 13 to Article II - Proposed by Kathi Bayne

well, sort of:

The UUA closed the physical office in New York City during the pandemic, choosing to put those resources to better use. Like all of our work, we are leaning into a more digital-forward presence.
Both the UUA and UUSC retain the ability to reserve space at the UN Church Center.
UUSC is often in the Church Center, hosting events; they have connections there.
UUSC is in discernment regarding how much physical presence in NYC will be necessary.
• They will travel for meetings, especially when our partners will be there.
• They are also planning to engage with the UN in Geneva.
• UUSC’s commitment is to be there as needed for our advocacy agenda.
• Both organizations are committed to engaging where we can have the most leverage, including/outside NYC.

above from UU@UN 2022-23 Transition