[AMENDED] Final Proposed Revision to Article II, as Completed by the Article II Study Commission in October 2023

@JamesWitker thanks for expressing your views with such thoughtfulness, I don’t agree with them all but I really appreciated your thorough articulation. You have helped me understand points better

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I am a UU from a time before every church had a chalice, and from a time when About Your Sexuality had photos of naked people. As a UU child I remember the 1961 Principles in which some UU’s found their identity in the statement “To cherish and spread the universal truths taught by the great prophets and teachers of humanity in every age and tradition, immemorially summarized in the Judeo-Christian heritage as love to God and love to man” The Principles and Sources adopted in 1984 removed this statement and some felt left behind, but if we cling to the past and specifically if we cling to specific statements and words we border becoming creedal and we lose our ability to call ourselves a Living Tradition. I remind you that the amendment process can begin immediately, - so if your objection is to wordsmithing, I encourage you to vote yes, and discuss and bring an amendment next year. Nothing is or will ever be perfect, but this revision to Article II moves us forward with love, in beautiful covenant and beloved community. I encourage you to vote yes on Article II.


I didn’t get added to the pro line but there were so many great speakers!

This is what I was going to say:

I’m Leilani Davenberry, my identifiers are she/her/femme queer middle aged disabled BIPOC and I am joining you from my kitchen wearing My Faith Is Love: UU Values, Protect Trans Kids black tshirt, spectacular mnt green hair and blue lipstick celebrating my queer & transgender siblings.

I am a delegate and our RE Equity, Inclusion and Creativity Advocate at Westside UU in Seattle area, named after Chief Si’ahl, (SEE-ah-lsch) a famous Duwamish Chief. The Duwamish Tribe leading us to bring our attraction this year on “clean water, healthy futures” and this month is Orca action month.

I embraced my inner UU nerd, glanced over my over 30 pages of notes I’ve taken in A2 discussions over the last couple years, and then I reread A2. Our words, 1000s of UUs words in feedback, jumped off the page “we are all sacred beings… embrace our differences and commonalities with Love, curiosity, and respect…”

When I connected with my congregation this week about A2, they spoke how they appreciated the explicitly anti-racist and inclusive and accessible language. Folks emphasized how they saw A2’s connection to our 8th principle work and it’s the work they want to see us do going forward and loving all the action words. They were ready to share A2 values art with the community outside our congregation about what we believed and who were are. I volunteer in RE families and children and I’m excited to see what new things A2 will inspire. I encourage a yes vote to the A2 package proposal.

And thanks to the A2 commission, for me getting to participate in this bylaw review process as just a congregant has helped me grow my own UU theology and has been a gift to me personally and spiritually.


I belong to a congregation that was not paying close attention when the Article II Study Commission started their work. We could have been more involved. It is not the Study Commission’s fault that we weren’t, and I believe that a claim that we (the UUA) is ‘rushing the process’ is not justified.


How can I take covenants seriously that are impossible? I could promise to try. I can promise to do my best. I cannot swear to protect the earth and all beings from exploitation, even if swearing it as a small part of a larger group. Oh, I wish I could, beloveds.

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I think that the suggestion for us to wait to amend art. II until we see all the proposed by-law amendments is a wise one. From what the legal counsel said before discussion, it sounds as if some of the provisions of art. III are inconsistent with some of the provisions in the proposed art. II.

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I am headed to Seattle next week to visit my daughter who lives on Capitol Hill. Is the Westside UU participating in any of the pride events the weekend of the 27-30?

Sentient beings are innumerable, and I have vowed to save them all. Do I expect to save them all in this lifetime? No.

@ Rebecca, yes they’ll be marching with other congregations at Seattle Pride. It’s not accessible to me so I’ll be skipping that one. Though I went to Pride Asia Seattle and my little township’s Pride event which were more accessible to me.

I love the explicitly inclusive language in the A2 proposal and my congregation is excited about it too and Pride <3

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for me, promising what I know I can’t do is false self-aggrandizement
it does not honor a sacred aspiration

With respect, I disagree. I think legal counsel was clear that the Article II amendment did not affect the relationship between the UUA and congregations (see points two and three).

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I am bringing my sequined rainbow cape with me and hoping for a sunny day to share the parade with my daughter. We will be sure to cheer the UU’s on - extra loud!!!

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It’s part of the Bodhisattva Vows - part of taking refuge in the Zen Buddhist tradition. It’s at the heart of a very sacred aspiration.

Of course, my lineage considers that we are all already enlightened, so there’s that.

so many great speakers. I didn’t get into the CON line, but here is what I wanted to say:
My name is Alison Rognas,

I use she/ her pronouns

Delegate for and member of UU Fellowship of Boca Raton in South Florida

On the land of the Tequesta, Taino, Mascogo, Seminole and Miccosukee

I am a white cis woman with freckles and straight pulled-back brown hair, and green eyes

I am wearing a gray tshirt and over-ear headphones in front of a virtual beach video background

Why would I speak against this revision

Last year GA was asked to pass it so that we would have another year to discuss it

So I got the impression that my input was wanted

I am not causing discord in order to hurt any of you

not striking out in my fragility to defend my secret racism

not terrified of change

Or enamoured of a glamorous fictional past

The proposed amendment includes covenants

Which I have been informed by many people do not mean promises or oaths

I have to use the definition of the word as it is commonly understood; a formal, solemn, and binding agreement

Neither my own faith nor my own conscience allow me to make promises that I know that I cannot keep

To me, To do so would diminish my promises, and all promises

Though I will continue to STRIVE to protect the earth and all beings from exploitation, vowing to do so as though I WILL, as though I could, even as a part of a member congregation,

Would make me an oathbreaker, to me

Why is it a big deal?

I would know

Vote no

I am voting against this revision because I want to stay

Vote no

I love this faith of kindness, of courage and vulnerability, where my trans child feels safe and loved even in Florida, where we can proudly wear our pentacles, singing together with our beloved community who help each other in our common humanity

I feel that I cannot honor the love that this community has offered us by slinking out into the night. I have to make known my reasons in hope they will at least be accepted if not understood.

I love you.


Agreed Amy, that is what I heard as well.

May I ask where you are finding this language?

And there is the concern that this Interdependence value could be weaponized against some people who may not be able to subsist on a purely plant-based diet for reasons of health or resources. Not everyone can protect all beings with no limits or exceptions.

line 24 in the first post

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24 We covenant to cherish Earth and all beings by creating and nurturing relationships of care ?

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Where in the Interdependence value suggests that we subsist on a plant-based diet? I find nothing to suggest that. I worry that people can weaponize anything should they wish to, but with lack of any suggestive statement it feels like fear without evidence. Please help me understand how what is written suggests weaponization and a plant based diet because I am not seeing it.

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