#56 | Louis Cerny | Move "Love" Below Chalice

Submission 56
Louis Cerny
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville (Rockville MD)

What is your suggestion or idea?

Regarding the image in section C-2.2, the word ““LOVE”” should appear as supporting the flaming chalice, by being placed under it, with the chalice and flame moved up.

What is the reason for your amendment idea?

The image of love in flames, or burning love, could be thought of by non-UU’s as an image of sexual desire. In popular music, ““Burning Love”” was one of Elvis Presley’s hit songs. The image could also evoke thoughts of love being destroyed by conflict (going up in flames). Placing LOVE in a symbolic position of support is more appropriate and less ambiguous.

Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?

This idea has also been forwarded to the congregation’s article2 group.

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I thought of the Elvis Presley hit too. The lyric “hunk-a hunk-a burning love”---- I’m a minimalist and will suggest omitting the graphic and the proposed Values altogether, but at the very least, I’d agree with you Louis Cerny as to not having the word LOVE superimposed on the chalice and flame.
Katherine Hyde
Unitarian Society of Ridgewood (NJ)

I like the word “love” within the flame because, to me, it suggests that love is a catalyst, propelling us toward the other values (toward practicing/acting on those values).