

Noel Marshall and Bob Warner are husband and wife “LightPartners.” They dedicate their energy to supporting people, projects, and communities that embody and enhance the Light of Humanity. Noel and Bob love connecting those who are in the process of “remembering” that their purpose on Earth is to love, grow, and evolve spiritually. They believe that as Humanity makes conscious choices from a place of love, co-creates with Spirit, and cooperates with Nature, we will collectively evolve a World that works for everyone.

Bob “rewired” a 37-year career as an aviation association executive with a limited belief of self, choosing to move forward as a Conscious Evolutionary. His multi-year transition to a more awakened state came through personal empowerment work, spiritual liberation, and an expanded worldview. Since 2010, he and Noel have traded in their flying airplanes for a journey down the Consciously Evolving Road directed by Spirit in sacred service to humanity and the planet.

Starting in 2010, Noel and Bob began a new life chapter, traveling and living full-time in their RV-home – the “Mobile Turtle Hut of Consciousness.” In 2012, they supported the Birth 2012 Movement by traveled 20,214 miles to 48 states and 3 Canadian provinces, sharing the message of conscious evolution and the knowing that WE are the co-creators of the New Day in human existence.

In 2013, they co-created and co-facilitated what became an annual “Co-Creators Convergence” at Sunrise Ranch LOVEland, Colorado and in 2021 and 2022 at White Eagle Lodge of the Americas in Montgomery, Texas.

Their world of sacred activism expanded through their connection with other lightpartners, their deepening spiritual practice, their awaking up to the plight of humanity and Our Common Home and their saying YES at each crossroad of expansion which The Universe continues to lay before them.

2020 - a pivotal year for all of humanity and Our SpaceShip Earth - shifted their “Road” again. The pandemic has offered totally unexpected “crossroads” for their amusement and Sacred YES. This has included a “home base” opportunity never anticipated in northeast Tennessee, USA. There, they are “blooming where planted.”

Noel and Bob are daily students of A Course in Miracles and assist as volunteer leaders in a number of organizations and movements, including:
• www.ClimateRealityProject.or

They are also engaged in a number of additional environmental and social justice movements and organizations and pro-democracy actions, including their local Unitarian Universalist Church, United Religions Initiative and League of Women Voters