Amendment 27 to Article II - Proposed by Dorothea Wallace

For additional history of this amendment, we started with a series of RE classes at First UU San Antonio. We then did a congregational wide survey. Following that feedback, we came up with what we felt was a mostly comprehensive list of where we find wonder, wisdom, and grounding. We proposed this intial list of 18 bullets in the May UUA workshops with multiple congregations. (#290 | Jennifer Courtwright | Proposal is too Generic to be Meaningful - #2 by courtwrightj01). Based on continued feedback that our amendment was too long we condensed the list of bullets into the above statements and added the graphic. Additionally, we sent out a google survey to other individuals working on inspiration amendments to find common ground. Where common ground existed, we tried to incorporate exact verbiage from other amendments (i.e. #5,#51,#53). For example, we did not have strong opinions on statements some felt were problematic such as the “respecting the histories, cultures, and contexts” statement from the original commisions proposal. We sought to align our verbiage for this section with amendment #51 but the verbiage was actively changing at the time we had to submit our amendment. We remain open to alternative specific wordings to this last section.

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