Ok, super. I will put this in our assembled set of possible versions… (and I will also ask a question about a phrasing). I agree that removing the list of resources is good. Then let’s insert Rev. Matt’s outward looking words…(I’ll find those…)
oooohhh, we don’t even need to add Rev Matt Johnson’s outward looking, because Janet’s version achieved that by slight change in the final sentence! NICE!
I think 3a too – nice work, Janet. I would still list the recourses individually – I think it adds accountability. But not a big deal either way, honestly.
From today’s workshop, it seems like it is best if each amendment be made separately. Which delegate plans to make this one?
If we want to go with #1, I would present it. If we go with 3a, Janet Bush would present it. At least that is my take on things…
We have a Google Poll asking folks which of the various Equity Value phrasings you support. Choose one. The different versions that have been workshopped are in the poll: https://forms.gle/ZJSdM5JjkjbcwCQa6
Bek Wheeler
Worthiness smacks of white educated privilege. And carries little meaning…
I do not have a Google account so cannot sign into the form. My preference is 3a.
Sally, thank you. 3a is one of the front runners. Our group is likely to do a zoom to discuss the two front runners (1, 1b and 3a) next week, discuss them and craft a final amendment for one of us to submit…
thank you!
Dear all, our Equity working group seeks further input on the issue of listing or not listing resources.
Could you please respond to this one-question poll indicating whether you prefer the potential amendment WITH or WITHOUT resources listed? As our workgroup zooms this evening, we hope for your input today, if at all possible.
Resources NAMED
Equity. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of each person.
We covenant to use our time, voice, wisdom, and material resources to defend, build and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities. We work to create a just and peaceful world where all people can flourish.
Resources NOT NAMED
Equity. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of each person.
We covenant to use all our resources to defend, build and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities.We work to create a just and peaceful world in which all can flourish.
Thank you,
Bek Wheeler, Delegate, UU Fellowship of the Peninsula, Newport News, VA
Here is our final text, emerging from our Equity Working Group. Unanimously approved:
Equity. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of each person.
We covenant to defend, build, and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities. We work to create a just and peaceful world in which all can flourish.
For unity, I would vote for this amended Equity value as defined (using worth and not worthiness) though I don’t have the aversion to worthiness that inspired much of the above discussion.
For the covenant. The phrase “We work to create a just and peaceful world”
seems to be expressed in the definition of Justice. “We work to be diverse multicultural Beloved Communities where all can thrive.” Proposed Equity amendment could strike “We work to create a just and peaceful world” and just leave "in which we can all flourish.
to read:
We covenant to defend, build, and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities in which all can flourish.
I resonate with the “defend, build and sustain” vs the Study Commission’s “use our time, wisdom and attention.” I feel that the amended Equity covenant speaks to the emotional energy and organization that is needed to achieve an equitable world. The “use of our time wisdom and attention” feels like individual act of conscience (which may be what the SC was going for) and, for me, individual acts are needed but not sufficient.
Thank you for this work and I respect the consensus the working group has achieved. My motivation for comment is to help the Equity amendment succeed.
Thank you Scott, and here is your opportunity!
The Equity Working Group has finalized and submitted our amendment. Here is its final form:
Equity. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of each person.
We covenant to defend, build, and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities. We work to create a just and peaceful world in which all can flourish.
If you are a DELEGATE and if you support this Equity amendment, we ask you to show your support by signing: 2023 Delegate support for Equity Amendment (#86) - Google Docs. The Board of Trustees wants to see name, affirmation of delegate status, congregation, city & state!
Hope you’ll join with us!!!
Thank you!
Bek Wheeler
DELEGATE Support List for Equity Amendment #86
If you are a delegate to GA 2023 and if you support our final wording of Equity Amendment, please sign our support list (Delegate support for Equity Amendment - Google Docs)*. Co-Moderator Charles du Mond has directed that one delegate submit our amendment. Bek Wheeler has done so today, 5/31/23. He then asked that after submission, we post a list with the names of delegate supporters on discuss.UUA.org.
Here is our final Equity Amendment wording:
Equity. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of each person.
We covenant to defend, build, and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities. We work to create a just and peaceful world in which all can flourish.
Delegate Support List for Equity Amendment (#86)
Please feel free to share with other delegates in your congregation and beyond.
Deadline for Support List: No later than June 4, 2023 (COB)
(You may add additional rows by placing your cursor in the last, rightmost cell, and hitting TAB).
@CharlesD @MegRiley
As of June 7, this amendment, "We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of each person" has support of 33 delegates..
There is still time to sign on in support if you wish. I will update the tally at the end of the day today, June 5.
Thank you for excellent collaborative process folks, and for your support to bring back this core UU statement.
@BekWheeler Thank you and all those who worked on this for your work on this. It’s a terrific revision. I have signed the delegate support list.
Rick, thank you so much! Your support brings us to 30 delegates! Yay! Thank you!
Did you make this google doc yourself? Or is there an official google doc format and way to submit lists of support for an amendment?
Yes, I made the google doc myself as there seemed to be none provided. Glad to share.
And I read from Charles du Mond (somewhere) to submit a list of supporters on discuss.UUA.org after submission of your amendment. I do not recall where I read that, alas…
At the 2000 GA, Rev. Gordon Gibson gave a presentation on the role UU ministers played, in the early 60’s, in the fight for civil rights. The people who drafted our existing principle were deeply involved in the fight to end desegregation. To them, the inherent worth and dignity reflected their rejection of the racial injustice that they saw. Are we now saying that they were wrong?
It is more than ironic that the language chosen for the fight against desegregation is now being viewed as racist. Do people even know or care about the history of the UU? The language was part of our fight back then. Every single person joining after 1961 has had the opportunity to understand the meaning given to the existing principle. The debate seems to focus on denying what I always felt was a positive chapter in our history.