#398 | Stephanie Sarver | Name climate crisis

Submission 398
Stephanie Sarver
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship (Bellingham, WA) 8132

What is your suggestion or idea?

Proposed Change to Section C-2.2

Interdependence. “We honor the sacred interdependent web of all existence. With humility we understand our place in the web.

“We covenant to care for and respect the earth and all beings by fostering relationships of mutuality. We work to repair the bonds we have broken.”

Replace with:

We acknowledge and respect that we are a part of the interdependent web of all existence.

We covenant to confront the climate crisis, be accountable for our actions that shape the web of existence, and work to repair the harm we have wrought to the planet.

What is the reason for your amendment idea?

This revision to seeks to reduce the vague and awkward language of the proposal. For example, there is no explanation of “the bonds we have broken.” It is unclear what is meant by “relationships of mutuality.”

This proposed amendment specifically acknowledges that the climate crisis is our most visible evidence of not honoring or respecting our interdependence with the non-human cosmos.

Have you discussed this idea with your congregation or other UUs?

This recommendation emerged through discussion within Chalice Circles. This has been shared with others in our congregation.


I agree. I find it really weird that there is no mention of the environmental/climate/biodiversity crises!!

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Hello, Stephanie and Amanda.

My name is Denise Frizzell and I am a long time UU. I am currently a member with the Eno River UU Fellowship in Durham, NC and am serving as a GA delegate this year. I agree wholeheartedly with your expressed concerns.

Thus, I wanted to let you both know that I submitted the following amendment today (see below). If either of you are serving as a delegate, I invite you to support it. If you are not, I invite you to share with your congregation’s delegates and invite them to consider supporting it.

Thank you.

With active hope for a healthy, peace-filled, just, and sustainable planet for all life,
Denise Frizzell

C-2.6. Earth Solidarity.
Earth, our beautiful blue boat home, is in great peril. Humanity, all sentient beings, and nature itself face numerous unprecedented challenges to life as we now know it and take for granted. Climate change, mass extinction of species, desertification, deforestation, massive die-off of coral reefs, and pollution threaten to disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems on which we all depend. At this historical and evolutionary crossroads, where every choice matters, we are called to bridge our differences and call upon our shared heritage, principles, and values to unite as Unitarian Universalists to transform ourselves and our consumer culture and invest in real solutions at every level of society for a thriving common future for all life.